Tag : baitfish

The “Fish Moon” and River Herring

Herring Return on Full Moon The Full Moon in April Motivates Herring to Move The 2012 herring run started early this year; perhaps due to the unseasonably warm temperatures in March.  However, very few herring ran up the river during the last week–I was getting a little nervous. Did the industrial fleet of pair trawlers [...]

Returning Herring

Snow forecasted  for this afternoon.  I wonder where these river herring are right now?  I will project that the first river herring will be seen the second week of March at Gilbert Stuarts birthplace and museum.

Let’s hope for lots of sand eels this season.

Sand Lance


There are two species of sand lance recognized as living on the east coast of North America: an inshore and offshore species.  They have been spawning along their range since November and spawning will continue through March.



A scool of sand lance or sand eels swim by

A scool of sand lance or sand eels are important baitfish for stripers and other game fish

In recent years this has become a significant biomass component on the Atlantic coast of North Atlantic.  Cod, haddock, striped bass and many other important commercial and recreational fish depend on these snakelike fish, commonly referred to as sand eels.  They also help sustain whales and sea birds.

