Trout Fishing Action – Silver Spring Lake, North Kingstown
The 2012 RI trout season started at the crack of dawn on Saturday, April 14 and this popular North Kingstown fishing hole was loaded with anglers and fish.
The action was fast and furious as the sun started to climb above the trees. Every stretch of open shoreline was lined with kids and adults eager to catch their limit of trout.
It was estimated that 20,000 anglers would participate in the annual ritual known simply as “Opening Day.”
Silver Spring is stocked with trout from the nearby Lafayette hatchery where over 120,000 pounds of trout are raised each year.
Within minutes of the start of the 2012 season trout were being hauled in right and left.
The quality and size of the fish had everyone smiling.
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There was no generation “gap” here
Berkeley Power Bait Proved Highly Effective
I didn’t see one kid texting, or on a cell phone, they were actually in the real world and not engulfed in virtual realty. We just might be able to reel in the younger generation with what we always though was great fun.
Get out there and fish. Take a kid with you. Better yet, take an old fart fishing too! When’s was the last time you took your Dad fishing!
12 years, 10 months ago