Category : Fishing
A detailed look at one of the best stretches of Block Island shoreline for fishing the surf, or just getting away from the crowds. Be sure and check out the video in High Definition by changing the quality setting button.

What’s better than a microburst of birds, bait and bass materializing right before your eyes? Your boat is drifting with the current through a fog covered rip line and you hear the high pitch squawking of terns just a few yards away. Could they be working over a school of fish? There they are! Is [...]

Call them mahi-mahi, dolphinfish, dolphin, dorado, bulls, chickens, or peanuts, but tie into them on light tackle and you’ll call them one amazing gamefish. Mahi are among the fastest growing fish in the sea with a short lifespan of only four or five years. They don’t match the strength of a tuna, wahoo, amberjack, Cubera, [...]

Call them false albacore, little tunny, fat albert, albies, funny fish, or as New Englanders refer to them, “Apple Knockers.” But don’t confuse them with bonito and bring them home to eat. These amazing game fish are members of the tuna clan and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. This slide [...]
Free Seminar
Wednesday, July 25 at 6:30 p.m.
North Kingstown Free Library, 100 Boone St.
Underwater photographer and videographer Mike Laptew will present a high definition, multi-media presentation highlighting the saltwater game fish of Rhode Island, as well as techniques for catching them. Laptew has been diving the Ocean State for over 50 years and his unique, fish-eye perspective seminars have delighted audiences for over two decades. The show will feature breathtaking close-ups of striped bass, bluefish, tautog, fluke, false albacore, and many different species of bait fish. This is a presentation the whole family will enjoy.
Free, but space is limited. Please reserve your seat by contacting Tracy Kennedy at
(401) 874-6800 or e-mailing
This lecture is part of the annual Community Lecture Series sponsored by Rhode Island Sea Grant, the URI Nutrition and Food Sciences Program, the URI College of the Environment and Life Sciences, and the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council. This lecture is also sponsored by the North Kingstown Free Library.
For New Jersey anglers it’s
opening day of Tog Season 2012
Good luck, but please toss the egg laden females back.
When does Jellyfish season open?
Look at the RI landings
Top 10 seafood landings (by pounds)
In 2010, more pounds of squid were brought ashore in Rhode Island than any other seafood.
Squid (Illex)
Atlantic herring
Little skate
Squid (Loligo)
When I was young my family and I ate all of the above, but we also had a steady supply of cod, haddock, flounder, halibut, pollock and even swordfish—the majority of which could be called “local” with a straight face. In the fifty years since, overfishing for these prize species—those that fetched highest ex-vessel prices—has done huge and well-documented damage to both our once-abundant groundfish and the habitats that sustain them.
Now that we’ve pummeled the stocks of bottom dwellers and longlining has dramatically reduced apex-predator stocks like sharks, tuna, marlin, swordfish, and so on, the race is on to catch every last critter that can be consumed. Look at the above list of commercially landed species and consider: In my childhood—heck, even now—most would fall neatly under the “bait” heading….
If we don’t get our regulatory asses in gear, we’ll soon be dining on spider crabs and jellyfish. Speaking of the food chain—its bottom links in particular–did you take your krill oil today?
Will the Longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii) spawn early?
I’ll be diving this week to see if I can find the first wave of squid to invade Narragansett Bay for the 2012 squid spawn.
Last year was a mad rush for these valuable eatables, with draggers from all over—some of staggering proportions and horsepower—pummeling the south shore beaches relentlessly, April into July.
Squid landings amounted to six times the volume of lobster that crossed the Ocean State docks last season, but both generated roughly the same revenue: $12.4 million.
By some estimates, Rhode Island’s commercial fleet produces the largest volume of domestic squid landings on the Eastern Seaboard (some would suggest that Cape May, NJ comes close). Pretty impressive for what once was an underutilized resource (a kiss-of-death designation that generally transitions—at a breakneck clip—to “fully exploited” and soon thereafter to “crashed” or “collapsed”).
Point Judith is now the Loligo squid capital of the Eastern Seaboard—its product regarded as among the world’s finest, and in constant high demand, particularly in southern European and Asian markets.
For what it’s worth, the old exit sign off Route 1 to Galilee once designated the port the
“Tuna Capital of the World.”
The recent mid-March heat wave led to a trip down memory lane
Do you remember that one special bait shop from a long, long time ago? I sure do.
On a warm spring day, I renewed my fresh water license and my acquaintance with Dick, the long-time proprietor of Dick’s Sport and Hobby Shop
Richard Byer has been doling out fishing licenses and advice since the early sixties and both Captain Jim White (from the Fairlawn area of Pawtucket – just down the street) and myself (living in the Woodlawn section of the City) would visit the original location of Dick’s Hobby Shop.
Now, 50 years later, we returned to say hello to Dick and rekindle old memories.
Dick still remembered Jim’s 1962 special order for a rod and reel combo . It represented the very best value and performance at the time and he bought one too.
It didn’t take Dick but a few minutes to produce an original invoice from a wholesaler that went back to 1964.
These days the shop is crammed to the rafters with new and old products for fresh and saltwater fishing. Over the years Dick has done business with four generations of Whites as well as countless other kids in the neighborhood.
We told a few stories, had some laughs and then we headed out to do a little fishing in the ponds we loved to explore 50 years earlier.
Here’s a slideshow of the old shop
slide show
Check out my next post “The Sucker Run Re-Visited”